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Back pain is a common symptom for all ages. But it is more common among working people and the elderly. This is caused by many factors, such as repeated gestures. age-related deterioration of joints, injuries from accidents, etc., back pain in the general population can be relieved within 2-4 weeks, but if the back pain comes back and forth, and some days are accompanied by sciatica pain (back pain that radiates down the leg) . This type of pain may be a warning sign of spinal disease. If left for longer, symptoms may become severe.
What is Sciatica Pain
It is a pain in the lower back (waist) that radiates down to the hip area and burst into pain in one leg or both. By the nature of the pain there is no obvious pain point. There may be pain until the legs are numb and pain until legs are both weak. In the early stages, symptoms are often related to posture, use, such as pain only when sitting for a long time, standing for a long time, driving for a long time, when lying down the symptoms will improve. When there is more pressure the pain may increase to the point of constant pain, back pain, severe leg pain and inability to straighten the leg.
Sciatica Pain Symptoms (Lumbar pain, fracture of the leg)
Sciatic pain is a type of back pain that starts at the waist or hip area and extends to the back of the leg. In some cases, the fractures may extend to the calf or foot. The leg pain is usually associated with a series of sciatic nerves, the main nerve that originates from the L4-L5 joint and runs down the hip. Therefore, when the sciatic nerve is disturbed. Pain or numbness in the legs will follow. Patients may experience pain from the buttocks, thighs to the toes, or numbness, burning, fireshot-like symptoms. Patients may experience weakness or muscle atrophy, which is usually located in one of the legs, which can be diagnosed as associated with nerve compression, which can be the case of herniated discs moving to press against the nerves, or it may be the appearance of osteoarthritis pressing on the nerves in the elderly.
When to See a Doctor for Sciatica Pain
When sciatica pain radiates down the leg, recurring pain for 2 weeks in a row, assume that your pain may be more dangerous than you think. And if these symptoms are accompanied by, severe pain at night, can't bend the ankle, leg pain, leg numbness and leg weakness clearly, leg atrophy, loss of appetite and rapid weight loss, uncontrollable excretion or inability to urinate, etc. you should see a doctor for an urgent diagnosis.
Sciatica Pain Causes
The most common causes of Sciatica Pain include:
- Myositis when the lower back muscles are injured from repetitive manipulations or accidents, the muscles are severely contracted. Sometimes there may be pain radiating down to the hip and leg pain, but usually there is no leg pain until the leg becomes numb or leg pain until the legs are both weak.
- Intervertebral disc herniation caused by herniated disc causing compression of the nerves that come out of the spinal orifice. When this bone presses on the nerve, there will be a sharp pain radiating down to the leg. It may rupture from the back or waist down to the leg pain as well often have symptoms in a sitting position or having to sit and bend forward, which is the position where the cervical disc receives the most pressure. This disease is more common in working age.
- Spinal degeneration caused by age-related deterioration of the vertebral joints causing the bone to grow or move over the nerve resulting in pain until the leg pain follows mostly found in the elderly.
Sciatica Pain Treatment
Treatment ranges from medications, injections and physiotherapy to surgery, depending on the severity of the disease.
1. Palliative treatment will treat lumbar pain in the legs by taking medications, physiotherapy, and daily behavior modifications.
- Injections into the spinal cavity to reduce chronic back pain Reduces inflammation and swelling of the ganglia caused by herniated discs moving over the nerves.
- Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) reduces inflammation of the spinal joints and relieves pain in the neck and back by using heat obtained from radiofrequency to hijack the position of the bone joints. Pelvic joints or nerves that cause pain.
2. Surgery to treat lumbar pain that radiates down the leg through an endoscope in case of a herniated disc. Endoscope in case of a herniated disc dislocating the nerve. Surgery is performed through a high-resolution endoscope by inserting the camera through a small cut through the skin into the spine, which is a treatment approach with a small surgical incision. Less surgical wound pain, low risk of infection. Reduce the destruction of the fine tissue surrounding the surgical site and the patient recovers quickly after surgery.
Complications of Sciatica Pain (complications associated with lumbar pain, fracture down the leg)
Most hip or back pain can heal on its own, but if chronic pain persists, it may be a complication of hip pain. If the nerves are pressed for a long time, various symptoms can occur, such as very severe pain at night. There is pain in the legs, numb legs, and the legs are noticeably weak. The legs become smaller, lose appetite, and lose weight fast. Cannot control bowel elimination or urination, etc.
Sciatica Pain Conclusion
However, if there is a lumbar pai radiating to the leg, the activity should be stopped immediately and then observe what the symptoms are. If you rest for a while, the pain does not improve, or if there is so much pain accompanied by numbness or weakness of the legs. It is recommended that you come to the doctor.
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